• Québec, Montréal - Association de massothérapeutes - massothérapie

Non-profit Quebec-based multidisciplinary association

Logo and Emblem

Association / Alliance québécoise des thérapeutes naturels official logos:

  • The two shapes represent two bodies, two individuals who are in a treatment together.

  • There is a small overlap between the two persons, as the therapist attempts to improve the health and well-being of the client, thus touching their lives.

  • The two different colors represent the differences between individuals; however there is also a similarity that is reflected in the choice of the tone of color used.

  • The size and presence of the two forms in relationship to one another represents the knowledge and skills of the therapist (above) versus those of the client (below) in the context of a particular treatment.

  • Although not perfectly conform, the spiral shape is inspired by the mathematical sequence of numbers called Fibonacci. This sequence can be found everywhere in nature, including in our bodies and fingers, in plants and animals and even in galaxies.

The emblem is simply the logo taking the form of an official stamp which is used on certain official documents.

The following video is for entertainment purposes only: